oral health

Why Is My Tongue Purple?

The tongue, which is one of the smallest organs in our bodies, has very many benefits. It allows us to talk and taste different flavors. However, these are not the only functions of a tongue. A tongue will also help indicate what may go on in our bodies.

While we all have different tongues, a normal healthy tongue should be pink. It should also have a thin white coating at the top. It should be moist with papillae, which are small bumps on the tongue.

When your tongue is not pink, but it has other different colors, then this may be a problem. A red, purple, or yellow tongue may be a sign of an underlying condition. Here are a few reasons why your tongue may be purple;


Bacteria in the mouth and tongue are very common. However, not all bacteria in the mouth are bad bacteria, as some bacteria in your mouth are necessary for oral health. Bacteria such as chromogenic bacteria, when in extremely high levels, may cause discoloration of the tongue. You can easily eliminate this discoloration by gently brushing your tongue with a toothbrush. However, should the discoloration continue or cause any kind of pain, it is best to see a dentist.


Certain medications may cause discoloration of the tongue. Pepto-Bismol is an example of a drug that can discolor the tongue, causing it to appear dark or purple. This discoloration usually clears out when you stop using the drug.

Food and Beverage

Sometimes the discoloration on your tongue is because of certain foods or beverages that you consume. These include blueberries, grape juices, colored frosting, and beetroot juices. This is not a cause for alarm, as simple brushing can easily get rid of this discoloration.

Blood Circulation

A purple tongue can also be a sign that blood is not circulating properly throughout the body. When blood is not circulating properly, it can lead to more problems in other parts of the body. If the discoloration of the tongue is accompanied by breathing difficulty and even chest pain, consult with a doctor as soon as possible.

Some reasons stated above may be minor issues, such as the food that you eat. However, a discolored tongue may also indicate a serious problem, such as problems with blood circulation in the body. Therefore, it is best to consult with a medical professional who can further diagnose you and offer the best course of treatment.

The Connection Between Oral Health and Mental Health

The health of your body and your mind are closely related to one another. Even though one’s oral health and mental health might seem like two completely different things, they do share a relationship, even if it’s not direct. Those who suffer from mental problems or illnesses also tend to experience poor dental health.

Some of the most common mental health problems that can have a potentially negative effect on an individual’s oral health include depression, anxiety, panic attacks, eating disorders, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

So how exactly do mental health issues impact your oral health?

Here are some oral health issues that those battling with mental health problems experience.


Those suffering from mental health problems or illnesses such as depression or anxiety tend to avoid dental care so much that their oral hygiene is highly neglected. This often results in serious dental problems such as tooth decay and gum disease.


Most people who suffer from anxiety, especially social anxiety, tend to suffer from some form of dental phobia, which leads people to stop visiting their dentist regularly. This can cause many dental problems as infrequent dental visits can have a huge impact on one’s oral health.

Eating Disorders

People who suffer from conditions such as bulimia tend to experience dental erosion due to the acidity in vomit. Moreover, such people also tend to have low levels of calcium which impacts the health of their teeth.


Certain medications such as pills for depression or anxiety can have some side effects that can affect your oral health. For instance, they can cause dry mouth due to reduced saliva flow.

It is imperative for everyone to realize and acknowledge the connection between mental and oral health. As a carer of someone suffering from any mental health concern, you should motivate them to maintain good dental habits.

If you searching for a dental clinic that understands your concerns and tries to satisfy all your queries, call us at (503)855-0465 or visit us at ComfortCare Dental. Our highly experienced doctors, Kenneth L. Chung, DDS, MPH, Fred A. Bremner, DMD, Periodontics, and Dr. Bermen Wong, DDS can help solve all your dental concerns!

Eating Nuts for Snacks Could Help Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Random assortment of nuts that are healthy for your teeth

Nuts are a delicious snack. Those who taste nuts for a living describe the flavor as sweet and buttery. A handful satisfies most midday appetites. They are crunchy. They are healthy. They are delicious. While not everyone can tolerate eating nuts, their delicious flavor appeals to many people. In fact, in recent years almonds have surpassed peanuts as America’s favorite nut. Did you know that eating nuts for a snack could help keep your teeth healthy?

Nuts Benefit Your Teeth

Nuts are a top choice for a snack. Almost all nuts are low in carbohydrates. Sugar and carbohydrates are the top two offenders in the mouth. Both ingredients can lead to a buildup of plaque, which is the first step in tooth decay. By avoiding sugar and carbohydrates, your teeth are less prone to cavities. Consuming raw foods, like fruits and vegetables, drastically reduces your risk of gum disease. Chewing nuts also reduces your risk of gum disease and nuts also helps to strengthen your teeth. Nuts can even remove bacteria as the texture of the nuts cleanses the surface of your teeth and increases your flow of saliva.

A Healthy Snack

Nuts can be eaten alone or paired with other foods to make a healthy snack. Everyone has their favorite trail mix, but did you think of nuts with steamed vegetables? Try tossing some pecans with steam green beans with a little olive oil and salt. Almonds can decorate the top of any favorite breakfast cereal which will enhance the flavor and texture as well. Walnuts can improve practically any salad. Nuts can even go inside tortillas with meat, cheese, and a vinegar-based dressing.

Call Our Offices

We like to help people keep their teeth healthy. Many lifestyle choices can impact the health of your teeth. While eating nuts may be one way to stay healthy, we would love to discuss other healthy practices at your next routine cleaning and checkup. Give us a call today at our Milwaukie or Oregon City offices!

The Effects of Chewing Tobacco on Your Teeth

Smokeless or chewing tobacco is just as bad as smoking, sometimes even worse. Think about it. When you’re smoking, you’re inhaling smoke that simply passes by your teeth and into the lungs. In contrast, when you’re chewing tobacco, there’s much more action as you grind it against your teeth for minutes at a time. Chewing tobacco has serious consequences for your oral health as well as your entire body.

Hand holding chewing tobacco in Milwaukie, OR

At ComfortCare Dental, our dentists strongly discourage chewing tobacco and help treat patients with tobacco-related oral conditions.

Short-Term Effects of Chewing Tobacco

Chewing tobacco causes some unique short-term effects such as bad breath, excess saliva production (drooling), receding gums, reddish-brown stained teeth, tooth decay, and patches in the mouth, to name a few. These effects can occur as soon as start this habit. Once it becomes an addiction, these short-term effects can turn into something much worse.

Fortunately, you can stop these effects from developing if you act quickly. For a routine dental exam and clean-up, we recommend visiting our dentists at ComfortCare Dental.

Long-Term Effects of Chewing Tobacco

People strongly addicted to chewing tobacco can cause more serious long-term issues that affect their overall health. These include mouth, tongue, cheek, stomach, throat, and pancreas cancer. Chewing tobacco increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. Other long-term effects include tooth and bone loss.

Lastly, stained teeth can lead to psychological effects, such as low self-esteem and depression. The more tobacco you chew, the higher your risk of developing severe oral conditions.

At ComfortCare Dental, our dentists can help reverse some of the short-term and long-term effects of chewing tobacco if you act quickly. To schedule an appointment with us, call us at our Milwaukie or Oregon City offices today.

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure that is performed on an infected tooth. When the pulp of your tooth becomes infected, it will likely need a root canal. The pulp is a soft substance inside your tooth, below the enamel. It contains blood vessels and nerves, which is why an infection in the pulp of your tooth can become quite uncomfortable.

Model of a root canal procedure from ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

During a root canal procedure, our team will start by numbing the area. A sheet is placed over the tooth to protect adjacent teeth and to keep the target tooth clean. A small canal is drilled into the enamel of the tooth and the infected pulp is removed. The area is thoroughly cleaned to ensure that all infected material is gone so that it cannot spread to other areas of your oral cavity.

Once this is complete, the canal is filled with a rubber-like material to protect the nerves of your tooth. A temporary crown is then placed over the repaired tooth. You will then need to return in a few weeks when the permanent crown is ready. The temporary crown will be removed, and the permanent crown will be cemented into place.

Why Are Root Canals Performed?

The goal of a root canal is to save your natural tooth and relieve discomfort caused by the infection. When your natural tooth is lost, your gums are susceptible to recession and you can lose bone density underneath the tooth. The adjacent teeth are also more likely to suffer from decay and gum disease.

A root canal allows our professionals to preserve the roots and core of your tooth while also placing a crown over the damaged area. The crown allows you to use the tooth without fear of irritating the nerves of it. If you would like to learn more about root canals, contact our offices in Milwaukie or Oregon City today.

Dental Care for People with Dementia

Maintaining good oral health can significantly boost your overall well-being. Regular dental can help to prevent different oral conditions like cavities and infections before they develop. This way, you can avoid pain when chewing, drinking, and communicating. However, people living with dementia are more prone to tooth decay and gum disease primarily because they can’t perform daily activities like others.

At ComfortCare Dental, our dentists can help you or your primary health giver set an oral hygiene routine to keep teeth and gums clean at all times.

Woman caring for an older man with dementia after getting dental care tips from ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

The Link Between Sugar and Oral Health in Dementia Patients

A person with dementia can experience an increase in sugar cravings. This leads to excess consumption of sweets, candy, chocolate, and cake, creating a domino effect that leads to tooth decay and several health complications. Instead, people with dementia should opt for tooth-friendly snacks like vegetables, whole-grain bread, fresh fruit, and sugar-free dairy products.

If you’re experiencing toothache as a result of succumbing to your sugar cravings, we recommend visiting our dentists at ComfortCare Dental.

How People with Dementia Can Improve Oral Health

The best way to avoid consuming sugar is by banishing all sugary and unhealthy food from your fridge and pantry. People with dementia should ensure they clean their mouth twice a day. If they’re reluctant or unable to do it themselves, their primary caregiver should help them. Secondly, many people with dementia have dentures. You must ensure that they’re clean and tight at all times.

They might need to form new cleaning habits such as using a soft brush or a different toothpaste. This change in care or routine often confuses people with dementia and makes them uncomfortable. So, they need short and clear instructions to gradually adapt to the change.

At ComfortCare Dental, our dentists can gently guide people with dementia and demonstrate what to do to ensure good oral health. To schedule an appointment with us, call us at our Milwaukie or Oregon City offices today.

Treatment for Dental Cavities

Dental cavities are one of the most common dental problems. They can be hard to catch right away and when left untreated, they can cause toothache, infections and even lead to tooth loss.

That’s why it’s so important to schedule regular visits with your dentist so that they may catch any cavities in their early stage when they are still treatable. So, call our offices in Milwaukie or Oregon City to book your appointment at ComfortCare Dental.

Here are some of the ways they might treat your dental cavities depending on their severity.

Dentist working on a cavity at ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

Fluoride Treatment

If the cavity is still in its early stage, your dentist might recommend some fluoride treatment that involves brushing a gel or liquid onto your teeth. This can help reverse the damage done by the cavity and restore your enamel.

Dental Fillings

If the bacteria have started penetrating the teeth and caused damage, your dentist will resort to fillings. They will drill a hole into the teeth to clean out any decay and damaged tissue and then fill it with resin or porcelain to seal the tooth.

Dental Crowns

If the cavity has spread even more and there is decay all over the tooth, your dentist will suggest you get crowns. Again, they will drill and clean out the decay and then fit a crown over your natural tooth to protect and restore its function.

Root Canal

If the decay has reached the root of the tooth, the dentist will have to perform a root canal. This will involve cleaning out the entire root or pulp of the tooth and any other damaged tissue from inside the tooth. Then, they will fill and seal the tooth with a crown.

Tooth Extraction

In case the cavity has caused so much damage that the tooth is beyond saving, your dentist will simply have to go for tooth extraction to remove the decay completely. You can then consider getting a dental implant or bridge for the missing tooth.

Dental cavities can often be quite painful and uncomfortable as well. If your dentist appointment is still a few days away, try brushing your teeth with warm water and avoid hot or cold food for a while to soothe your teeth.

The Benefits of a Routine Dental Exam

If you want healthy teeth and gums, you should never miss your routine dental examination. We encourage you to mark at least two days in your calendar each year so you can visit us for your routine dental checkup. Even if you believe there is no reason to visit us, you should not skip your visit. Various dental problems begin with little or no signs or symptoms. The sooner we examine your mouth, the quicker we can solve the problem.

Woman smiling after getting a dental exam at ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

Benefits of a Dental Checkup

Regular dental checkups not only help avoid any unforeseen dental problems but also help to prevent the buildup of tartar and plaque. These are the main causes of tooth decay and cavities. If you skip your dental appointment with us, this could eventually result in something major like a root canal or even a tooth extraction. Even if you brush and floss regularly, getting rid of plaque and tartar is almost impossible. This is something our professionals are masters at. This is why you must keep up with your dental appointments at our clinic.

Healthy Gums and Stronger Teeth

Gum diseases are sneaky. It does not take them long to spread and for a long time, you won't even know you have this disease. The only way one can identify gum diseases is when our professionals examine your mouth. Gum diseases can spread quickly and cause dental issues that are hard to treat. If you want your teeth and gum to stay healthy, don't miss your dental appointment.

The dental exam also involves a thorough cleaning which helps to remove plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth. This not only reduces the risk of dental problems but also ensures you will not suffer from bad breath. Bacteria in your mouth caused due to plaque and tartar are what causes bad breath. When our professionals clean it regularly you won't have to worry about reaching for a breath mint every time you step into an enclosed space. It's your responsibility to look after your teeth and gums. Make sure you give us a call at our Milwaukie or Oregon City offices to book your routine dental exam.

How Many Times Should I Use Floss?


Even though brushing your teeth twice a day is very important, it is just as important to use a dental floss to clean in between your teeth and beneath the gum lines.

Food debris and bacteria can creep into the tiny spaces between your teeth and beneath the gum line, giving rise to plaque that can erode your enamel. The worst part is that you will never know about these hidden cavities until they become severe.

That is why Dr. Chung at ComfortCare Dental recommends using floss in places that your toothbrush cannot reach.

Should You Use Anything to Remove Food Debris Stuck in Your Teeth?

If you are relaxing on the couch watching your favorite Netflix show and you feel something stuck in between your teeth, it can be very tempting to pull it out using anything pointy that is nearby, most often your nail. According to surveys, about 61% of Americans use their fingernail and about 40% use a folded card to pull out food debris stuck in their teeth.

However, not only these improvised toothpickers not clean your teeth sufficiently, they may hurt your gums as well. It is important that you use dentist-accepted interdental cleaners like floss, dental picks, water flossers, and tiny brushes to clean food debris.

When Should I Clean In Between my Teeth?

As long as you floss your teeth at least once a day, it doesn’t really matter when. You can pick anytime of the day to spend a few minutes cleaning in between your teeth and beneath your gumline. You can also use floss to clean away food debris from between your teeth after every meal.

Parents should cultivate the habit of using floss in children as young as three years old. They should start cleaning in between their children’s teeth as soon as their child gets two teeth right next to each other. Since children cannot correctly floss on their own, you should help them floss at least until they turn eight.

Flossing or interdental cleaning is not supposed to be painful. It is normal to feel slight discomfort when you start cleaning in between your teeth after a long while, however, this feeling will quickly go away. If your gums continue to become irritated every time you floss, it could point to some other oral issue and you should get an appointment with us at our offices in Milwaukie, Oregon City, or our Mobile Dental Clinic to treat it.

Effects of Smoking on the Teeth

A healthy smile is the first thing you notice on a person’s face and is often considered as a basic grooming essential. Everyone knows that smoking is bad for health. However, what many people might not know is how smoking is bad for the teeth. Here are some of the effects of smoking on teeth.


Stained Teeth

There are numerous effects of smoking on the teeth, but one of the most apparent effects happens to be the blackening/yellowing of the teeth. The nicotine and tar present in cigarettes and other similar products can settle on the surface of the teeth, giving it that stained appearance.

These effects can be reversed if you quit smoking and resort to brushing your teeth regularly. However, in some severe cases, it becomes quite difficult to get rid of these stains. Furthermore, besides the teeth, smoking can sometimes cause the gums to darken as well.

Bad Breath

People also tend to develop a distinctively smokey breath right after smoking. However, more importantly, over time it can also cause bad breath that is hard to eliminate even after brushing. This is because the act of smoking often affects saliva production, which then leads to dry mouth and the growth of bacteria. These lead to bad breath.

Gum Diseases

Smokers, as compared to nonsmokers, are more likely to develop gum diseases, which usually attack the roots of the teeth, loosening the gums and making room for bacteria to grow. This in turn causes the teeth to fall out after developing decay.

Damage to Enamel

Our teeth are covered with a very sophisticated coating of enamel that naturally protects them from decay and certain problems, such as pain and sensitivity to certain foods and beverages. Long term smoking damages the enamel.

The best way to get rid of the effects of smoking on your teeth is by giving up smoking altogether. After that, if you still notice any problems or pain, you can contact our offices in Milwaukie, Oregon City, or our Mobile Dental Clinic for a consultation.

Oral Health Benefits That Come With Eating Berries

Berries are a delicious, healthy way to add a variety of vitamins and minerals as well as water and fiber to your diet. Many berries are even considered superfoods because they contain powerful antioxidants that can help reduce your risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and other medical conditions. But did you know that berries also have important benefits for your oral health?

A bowl of various berries to improve oral health

Polyphenols Prevent Tooth Decay

New research has shown that dark-colored berries such as blueberries and cranberries contain compounds that can protect your teeth from decay-causing bacteria. These natural antioxidant compounds, known as polyphenols, prevent harmful bacteria from attaching to your teeth and gums, thus reducing the risk of plaque buildup, tooth decay, and even gum disease. The polyphenols in cranberries specifically are known to linger in our saliva after swallowing, meaning that they continue to be beneficial to our teeth beyond just while we are eating the berries. Researchers have even begun experimenting with extracting polyphenols from dark-colored berries for use in oral health care products. The extracts themselves are sugar-free, meaning that they could be added to products like toothpastes and mouthwashes without introducing any counterintuitive sugar.

Proanthocyandins Can Protect Against Gum Disease

In addition to polyphenols, blueberries also contain other antioxidants known as proanthocyandins, or PACs. Studies have shown that PACs are effective at protecting your teeth from a certain strain of bacteria that is responsible for aggressive forms of gum disease. These antioxidants also protect immune cells in our mouths called oral macrophages, and can decrease inflammation, which is another factor in the development of gum disease.

Adding Berries to Your Diet

Consuming blueberries, cranberries, and other antioxidant-rich berries is beneficial to your oral and overall health. However, it is important to note that like any fruit, berries contain natural sugars that can still be damaging to your teeth in high amounts. If you want to add berries to your diet, try eating them in moderation, as a component of your meals rather than on their own.

Contact our offices in Milwaukie, Oregon City, or our Mobile Dental Clinic to learn more about how you can prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Why Your Tooth Becomes Discolored After An Injury

Woman holding her mouth in pain in need of a visit to ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

Suffering trauma to the mouth is bad enough, but if your tooth becomes discolored after an injury, that can be very unsettling. Tooth discoloration after an injury is common and does not have to be a cause for concern because we are here to help you with the right treatment for your tooth trauma.

Reasons Why Your Tooth Might Discolor After An Injury

If you sustained an injury to your tooth and it is changing color, you might be wondering why this is happening. Color changes in a damaged tooth can range from brown, grey to black. This transformation takes place in much the same way your skin changes color when you get a bruise. Your teeth have blood vessels inside that bleed when damage is incurred. Discoloration of an injured tooth indicates bleeding beneath the pulp and tooth enamel and is starting to surge to the tooth’s surface causing a darkening appearance.

This darkening can take place over several days or even months. It is crucial you do not allow the discoloration to continue to the point of your tooth getting very dark or even black. This is an indication the tooth is dying, and you should call our office immediately before this happens. Mild discoloration of the tooth might not seem so severe, but we still recommend you make an appointment with our dental offices to ensure your best oral care.

Trauma to a tooth can be painful, and subsequent darkening of your tooth can be unsightly. The good news is we can help. You do not have to live with a darkened tooth because our dental professionals can give you the treatment you deserve to restore the color of your tooth and heal the damage caused by trauma. If you are concerned about your tooth becoming discolored after an injury, please give our dental offices a call. We can give you the information you need as well as the proper dental care to get your smile back to normal.

Contact Our Offices

Milwaukie: (503) 855-0465
Oregon City:
(503) 765-7185
Mobile Dental Clinic:
(503) 653-9334

The Role Saliva Plays in a Healthy Mouth

Saliva is a clear fluid in our mouths, formed by salivary glands. Although saliva is 99% water, saliva also contains white blood cells, electrolytes, proteins, enzymes, mucous, antimicrobial substances, and epithelial cells. Mouths that are deficient in saliva leave teeth vulnerable to cavities and the mouth’s tissues unprotected from injuries. However, excessive saliva complicates chewing, swallowing, and eating. Keeping a healthy amount of saliva flowing in a patient’s mouth is vital for good oral care as it prevents oral health issues such as gum disease and oral infections.

Man smiling after his visit to ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR.

Purposes of Saliva

Saliva keeps the mouth lubricated, which prevents the buildup of harmful bacteria and tartar. Saliva also helps digest the food that we chew and swallow due to the enzyme amylase, which breaks down starches while the patient chews. Saliva helps remove food particles from between the teeth. Saliva also helps prevent bad breath. Saliva can maintain a healthy pH balance by counteracting acidic foods and beverages. Saliva can be tested by medical professionals to detect a variety of oral and systemic diseases as well as to measure hormonal balance by detecting steroids and sex hormones. Finally, the chemicals in saliva can remineralize teeth weakened by acid or bacteria due to the calcium and phosphorous in saliva.

Consequences of Saliva Imbalances

When a patient’s mouth has a lack of saliva, the condition is known as dry mouth. Dry mouth causes the mouth to become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, leading to problems such as bad breath, cavities, and tooth decay. Conversely, producing too much saliva is called hyper-salivation. Hyper-salivation can lead to problems with eating and talking.

If your mouth has too little or too much saliva, contact our offices for a consultation. We can diagnose the cause of the problem and suggest a permanent solution to restore oral health to your mouth.

Contact Our Offices

Milwaukie: (503) 855-0465
Oregon City:
(503) 765-7185
Mobile Dental Clinic:
(503) 653-9334

Tongue Cleaners Can Boost Your Oral Health

There are several components to good oral care. Common actions include brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and attending biannual checkups and exams with our team. One often-overlooked task is cleaning the tongue. A simple solution for cleaning tongues is the use of a tongue cleaner. Having a dedicated tool for this task can be beneficial for the patient’s mouth and body when the tongue cleaner is used correctly.

Woman using a tongue cleaner from ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

Benefits of Tongue Cleaners

Research shows that tongue-cleaning twice a day increases the effectiveness of taste buds. Tongue-scraping also removes the white coating that accumulates on the tongue; this is vital since the white coating is often an accumulation of problematic items such as bacteria and mucus. Tongue-scraping reduces the number of harmful bacteria in the mouth, reducing the risks of bad breath and tooth decay. Fewer harmful bacteria in the mouth will lead to better overall health as well. Some studies show that tongue cleaners also provide gentle stimulation to the patients’ internal organs.

Potential Issues with Tongue Cleaners

First-time users of tongue cleaners may trigger their gag reflexes or even induce vomiting. Placing the tongue cleaner no further than the center of the tongue will reduce the risk of activating the gag reflex. Also, some models of tongue cleaners are designed to minimize or eliminate the possibility of triggering the gag reflex. Misusing a tongue cleaner, or using a tongue cleaner with uneven edges, can injure the mouth. Patients are urged to inspect their tongue cleaners before purchasing and using them. In addition, patients should be mindful of how much pressure they exert with their tongue cleaners. Patients will need to clean their tongue cleaners regularly to prevent tongue infections.

If you have questions about tongue cleaners and how to properly use them, call our Milwaukie or Oregon City offices for a free consultation.

Contact Our Offices

Milwaukie: (503) 855-0465
Oregon City:
(503) 765-7185
Mobile Dental Clinic:
(503) 653-9334

Acidic Foods to Avoid in Order to Protect Your Teeth

Family preparing healthy food to protect their teeth and oral health after visiting ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie, OR and Oregon City, OR

Virginia Woolf says that one cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has no dined well. We often spoil ourselves with our desired foods at different times in our lives, and usually acidic foods are involved in these intermittent indulgences. As great as acidic foods can taste, however, they are not always good for our teeth. Foods with pH lower than 7 are acidic, and the range of saliva in the mouth should be between a 6.5 to a 7.5 when it is not eating or drinking.

What Foods Are Considered Acidic?

When thinking of foods with acidity, fruits are pretty high on this list. Fruits that are packed with vitamin C — such as oranges, lemons, apples, grapefruits, pineapples, blueberries, tangerines, to mention a few — tend to be highly acidic. As fruits are acidic, their fruit juices are too. Tomatoes and tomato juice, jam and jellies, pickles and cranberries are acidic. Carbonated drinks, sport drinks, yogurt, coffee, alcohol and vinegar are also acidic. The remains of potato chips that lingers in your mouth after eating them can also produce acid.

What Effects Do These Acidic Foods Have on Our Teeth?

Acidic foods can have an impact on the health of our body and also our teeth. The enamel and gum line are initial targets of this erosion. The enamel is very tough, but it can be weakened through continuous consumption of acidic foods. When the enamel weakens, the teeth’s dentin can be exposed, making it susceptible to sensitivity. Discoloration and/or decay may occur. Cracks along the edges of the teeth is also common.

How to Prevent Damage From Acidic Food

Obviously, we cannot avoid all the aforementioned food altogether, but we can avoid sucking on highly acidic beverages. Straws are a great option, as they help to keep juices from coming in contact with your teeth. Also, rinse your mouth out with water or brushing after consuming such food. To learn more about how to protect your teeth from the damaging effects of acid in food, please contact our offices for more information.

Contact Our Offices

Milwaukie: (503) 855-0465
Oregon City:
(503) 765-7185
Mobile Dental Clinic:
(503) 653-9334

How to Manage Dry Mouth if You Have Dentures

While dentures themselves do not cause dry mouth, some people find themselves bereft of saliva when wearing dentures. This can be as a result of breathing through the mouth, not drinking enough water, and being of an age in which saliva is produced less. It can produce some unwanted side effects, such as bad breath and soreness, and so it is best to try and avoid dry mouth where you can.

Woman smiling with her white dentures. Learn more about dentures and denture care at ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

Techniques to Tackle Dry Mouth

There are several ways to resolve dryness in the mouth, many of which are small habit changes, in order to better accommodate dentures into your lifestyle. Firstly, caffeine, tobacco and alcohol can all increase dryness in the mouth. When there is a lack of saliva between the denture plate and the roof of the mouth, it creates less suction, and can cause rubbing. This makes avoiding caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol products one of your best options, or trying and reduce your intake of them can also decrease symptoms significantly.

Another practical idea for tackling dry mouth is to drink water throughout the day. This will lubricate the dentures, and the areas of your mouth in contact with them, ensuring no rubbing, and decreasing the sensation of being parched. Furthermore, sucking on a sugar-free sweet, or chewing on sugar-free gum, can induce the production of saliva, and naturally lubricate the mouth. Using sugary drinks, gum or sweets to prevent dry mouth can be seriously damaging to your teeth and we do not advise their constant use.

If you are having persistent dry mouth, and are unsure what could be causing it, contact us and we can have a look. Diet, breathing habits, medication and illnesses can all cause dry mouth while wearing dentures, so it could be something unrelated to your dentures that is causing the issue.

Contact Our Offices

Milwaukie: (503) 855-0465
Oregon City:
(503) 765-7185
Mobile Dental Clinic:
(503) 653-9334

Things to Pack and Care for Your Teeth While Traveling

When you travel, you also need to extend at-home care away from home. Therefore, you need to know what to include when packing your dental tools or accessories. The following information will give you further insight about dental hygiene while traveling away from home.

Image of a travel toothbrush. Learn more about oral health care while you travel at ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

What Should Dental Products and Items Should I Pack When Traveling?

The best way to keep everything in one place is to pack dental items and products in a small zippered bag that you can place in your travel bag. Make sure you place the small bag on top so you have easy access. Portability is important when traveling. You can even include single-use brushes or floss, if you prefer, provided you carry enough for the duration of your trip. Make sure you have access to a soft toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste, and floss. Always carry extras. Don’t rely on the hotel where you stay to provide these types of small accessories. Your dental health is just as important while traveling as it is at home.

Check the Water

When traveling, you will also need to carry bottled water or buy bottled water for your dental care. This is especially true if you are in a place where you have your doubts about using the local water supply. You need to stay hydrated as well as have a source of water for rinsing your mouth when you brush. So, remember this factor when it comes to dental hygiene and care.

Your dental accessories will usually be smaller in size when you travel. By using a one-use brush, you do not have to worry about allowing the brush to dry. You can always use another brush when needed. Knowing these tips will keep your teeth sparkling clean and white during your travels. Also, before you take your trip, schedule a professional cleaning with our offices. Stay on top of your oral care no matter where you go or reside. If you have not had your teeth checked in a while, why not give us a call today? Traveling to one of our offices is another journey you will want to take.

Contact Our Offices

Milwaukie: (503) 855-0465
Oregon City:
(503) 765-7185
Mobile Dental Clinic:
(503) 653-9334

How Wine Stains Teeth

Whether wine red or white, it can stain teeth. That is because the drink is highly acidic. Therefore, it can erode the enamel and stain the teeth. The following information details how wine stains the teeth and how you can minimize the effects.

Glass of red wine. Learn more about how to prevent wine stains on your teeth at ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

Both Red Wine and White Wine Can Stain Teeth

Although some people believe red wine stains teeth more easily than white wine, they are wrong. Both drinks can stain teeth because they are acidic. When you drink any drink with a high acid contact, it can lead to enamel erosion. So, if you like wine, beware. You need to make sure you limit your consumption and drink water after you consume wine. Doing so will lessen the impact of stains on the teeth. It also helps to consume foods with wine that neutralize the acid content that erodes the dental enamel. Therefore, eating pasta, which neutralizes acids, is an excellent food choice when consuming wine. Drink water after you are done drinking wine to swish away and dilute the acid.

Wait to Brush Your Teeth

If you brush your teeth after you drink any type of wine, you may brush away more than the wine residue. That is because the acid in wine softens the teeth. Therefore, we advise that you wait an hour before brushing your teeth after consuming wine. Before you brush too, you should drink water to rinse away the acidic residue. Water will also rehydrate your system so you’ll feel refreshed.

Do you remember the last time you had a dental check-up and cleaning? If not, you need to schedule an appointment with our offices in Milwaukie or Oregon City today. Take a new path with respect to dental care. Schedule exams and cleanings twice annually. We will guide you in your home care as well. The more you know about dental care, the less anxious you will feel about any dental procedures we may need to recommend.

Contact Our Offices

Milwaukie: (503) 855-0465
Oregon City:
(503) 765-7185
Mobile Dental Clinic:
(503) 653-9334

Is the Cause of Most Toothaches Easy to Figure Out?

If you have a toothache, you may conclude that it is due to a cavity or abscess. It may not occur to you that your sinuses may be inflamed and causing you the toothache pain. While many people think the reason for a toothache is due to a cavity, that is not always the case. We need to carefully review your medical and dental history, and review x-rays before we determine a cause. The information below will provide you with further details about diagnosing toothache pain.

Woman holding her mouth due to a toothache in need of a visit to ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

Why Do Toothaches Occur?

Some people with deep decay do not experience toothache pain, while others, with more sensitive teeth, may complain about how their tooth hurts. Tooth pain is not always a clear-cut or easy to diagnose. It may result from another underlying health issue, from decay, or from an infection. We need to take x-rays and carefully evaluate the condition before we recommend a treatment.

How Sinusitis Can Lead to a Toothache

The sinuses are large spaces that are located next to the nerves in the gums of the teeth. Therefore, a tooth may hurt because of a sinus infection, which has nothing to do with decay. Therefore, we must determine the real cause of the discomfort to treat the pain properly. Not only do we have to examine a site visually, we also need x-ray imaging to support our findings.

If you are suffering from any type of dental pain, we have the equipment and knowledge to help you get the problem corrected so you can get pain relief. Why not call us today for a consultation? Any type of dental pain should be considered an emergency. Therefore, make it a point to call us to treat your pain today. When you are suffering from any type of dental pain, it is important to contact us immediately. A delay can lead to an infection or a health-threatening medical condition. Now—not later—is always the time to call us to schedule an appointment.

Contact Our Offices

Milwaukie: (503) 855-0465
Oregon City:
(503) 765-7185
Mobile Dental Clinic:
(503) 653-9334

One Cup of Tea a Day Could Boost Your Oral Health

Although many people start their day with the ritual of drinking coffee, drinking hot tea in the morning is also a common ritual for many. This latter group may be on to something good when it comes to their oral health. It turns out that both black tea and green tea when drunk in moderation can contribute in positive ways to your oral health.

Cup of tea to improve oral health recommended by the team at ComfortCare Dental in Milwaukie and Oregon City, OR

How Can a Daily Cup of Tea Improve My Oral Health?

Both black tea (the type of tea commonly used for iced tea) and green tea are rich in antioxidants, which offer a host of health benefits. One of the most important functions of antioxidants is their ability to counteract the damage from free radicals in the body. Free radicals are dangerous little atoms or groups of atoms that latch onto healthy atoms and causes what is known as oxidative stress in your body’s cells. Antioxidants fight free radicals by promoting healthy cellular growth in your entire body, including your mouth. This helps keep the soft tissues in your mouth healthy and promotes healthy bone tissue in your jawbone.

In addition, antioxidants are important for fighting oral infections and preventing certain oral cancers. Drinking a cup of black or green tea each day also gives you a healthy dose of specific vitamins and minerals that are important in keeping your teeth strong and your mouth healthy overall. These include iron, calcium, phosphorous, B vitamins, and vitamins A, C, D, E, and K.

Although drinking a cup of green or black tea daily can provide numerous benefits for your oral health, it’s also important to note that drinking too much black tea on a daily basis can stain your teeth. However, one cup daily of either of these teas certainly offers more pros than cons for both your oral health and your overall health. If you would like to learn more about how different foods and beverages impact your oral health, give our offices in Milwaukie or Oregon City a call to schedule your next appointment.

Contact Our Offices

Milwaukie: (503) 855-0465
Oregon City:
(503) 765-7185
Mobile Dental Clinic:
(503) 653-9334