
Why Is My Tongue Purple?

The tongue, which is one of the smallest organs in our bodies, has very many benefits. It allows us to talk and taste different flavors. However, these are not the only functions of a tongue. A tongue will also help indicate what may go on in our bodies.

While we all have different tongues, a normal healthy tongue should be pink. It should also have a thin white coating at the top. It should be moist with papillae, which are small bumps on the tongue.

When your tongue is not pink, but it has other different colors, then this may be a problem. A red, purple, or yellow tongue may be a sign of an underlying condition. Here are a few reasons why your tongue may be purple;


Bacteria in the mouth and tongue are very common. However, not all bacteria in the mouth are bad bacteria, as some bacteria in your mouth are necessary for oral health. Bacteria such as chromogenic bacteria, when in extremely high levels, may cause discoloration of the tongue. You can easily eliminate this discoloration by gently brushing your tongue with a toothbrush. However, should the discoloration continue or cause any kind of pain, it is best to see a dentist.


Certain medications may cause discoloration of the tongue. Pepto-Bismol is an example of a drug that can discolor the tongue, causing it to appear dark or purple. This discoloration usually clears out when you stop using the drug.

Food and Beverage

Sometimes the discoloration on your tongue is because of certain foods or beverages that you consume. These include blueberries, grape juices, colored frosting, and beetroot juices. This is not a cause for alarm, as simple brushing can easily get rid of this discoloration.

Blood Circulation

A purple tongue can also be a sign that blood is not circulating properly throughout the body. When blood is not circulating properly, it can lead to more problems in other parts of the body. If the discoloration of the tongue is accompanied by breathing difficulty and even chest pain, consult with a doctor as soon as possible.

Some reasons stated above may be minor issues, such as the food that you eat. However, a discolored tongue may also indicate a serious problem, such as problems with blood circulation in the body. Therefore, it is best to consult with a medical professional who can further diagnose you and offer the best course of treatment.

What Is Sealant?

If you have visited the dentist with your kids lately, you may have heard about sealants, especially if your child’s molars have begun erupting. Hearing the word sealant--which sounds like something you put on a car--might sound a little scary, but sealants on your child’s teeth may actually be a great way to prevent cavities. Here is some information about sealants and how they can help your child’s dental health.

Sealants for Kids

A sealant is a clear coating that the dentist brushes onto a tooth. After the sealant is painted onto the tooth, a light is used to harden the sealant. The sealant protects the tooth from cavities for up to five years, although it loses its effectiveness over time. Research shows that sealants protect the tooth up to 80% in the first two years after application, and 50% of the time for the next four years after application.

Sealants for kids make a lot of sense. Even the most persistent toothbrushes are likely to miss spots on their teeth. Usually, if teeth are missed, it is usually the back molars that are skipped. In fact, molars are the teeth most likely to get a cavity. This is because the teeth are larger, and the surfaces of the molars aren’t smooth. Many molars also have deep pits or grooves that trap food easily and make it difficult to brush and floss.

Many dentists recommend that children get sealants on their back molars because those are the most likely to have tooth decay. Also, children find it difficult to brush and floss their back teeth. While sealants are not advised for children’s baby teeth, because molars are permanent teeth, sealants go a long way toward keeping your children’s teeth healthy. The longer you can protect your child’s teeth, the more likely they are to move into adolescence and adulthood with molars that are cavity-free.

All You Need To Know About Root Canal

When you visit the dentist and hear after examinations that you need a root canal procedure, you do not need to worry. Here we are diving into what a root canal entails and all you should know about it.

What is a Root Canal

A root canal entails the removal of the pulp and the root canal in your teeth to save them from severe tooth decay and eliminate tooth sensitivity. A root canal is a part inside your teeth; the dental procedure is endodontic treatment. A root canal is quite effective as it ensures a patient’s tooth is saved from being extracted completely. Some of the procedures involved in root canal treatment include root canal cleaning, root canal filling, and crown or filling additions.

Root Canal Cleaning

Often the procedure is done while the patient is under local anesthesia to numb pain in the affected area and ensure the process is practical and comfortable for both the dentist and the patient. The dentist then creates a small hole in the teeth to remove all the dead pulp tissues and the diseased part to prepare the area for medication.

Root Canal Filling

The next step involves the dentist cleaning and decontaminating the created hollow to eliminate all infections and bacteria in the teeth. Then using adhesive cement to seal the canals, the tooth is filled with rubber-like materials. Removing the dead cells and nerve endings in the tooth means you won’t feel any more pain.

Crown or Filling Addition

Finally, the dentist will add a crown to ensure maximum protection of the bristle tooth. We advise patients to avoid tooth use when grinding or chewing foods before adding crowns. The root canal procedure’s main advantage is it’s practical and often a one-time appointment procedure.

If you need safe and comfortable root canal medication, visit our offices for quality services. Call us today to book an appointment.

How Does Sugar Affect Your Dental Health?

Sugar does not damage the teeth, but when combined with bacteria, it causes tooth decay. Some kinds of bacteria feed on sugar and they produce acids that erode the enamel of the teeth. The untreated cavities are painful and can eventually lead to tooth loss. Visit us and our dentists will help you identify the best way to deal with sugars and learn how to maintain oral health.

Brushing and Flossing

Once in a while, we find that we are guilty of not brushing or flossing at one point or another. For you to be at par in dental health, it’s recommended to brush and floss at least twice a day. Plaque and tartar affect our teeth. It deposits in between the teeth and mixes with bacteria and, if not removed; causes harm to the teeth and can lead to tooth decay. Flossing is important because it gets to areas between your teeth removing the tartar and plaque.

Avoid sugars

At times, the body feels that it needs to intake sugar. Avoid sweets so that the harm done to your teeth is on the lower side so that you do not have to go through tooth decay or even tooth loss. Talk to the dentist and they will assist you in the identification of sugars that are not harmful to your teeth, especially those in natural foods like fruits. Turn to sugar-free substitutes so that you keep your oral health and the kind of foods you can use are natural yogurt and any sugar-free products.

Make sure that you visit the dentist regularly so that you reduce the negative effects of sugar. The dentist will take you through the effects that sugar will have on your general oral health. Our dentists are ready at all times to offer support and advice to you on the best foods and ways of reducing sugar intake.

When Can Implants Be Placed Immediately Following Extractions?

It is important to keep observing your mouth’s health condition. This is so that any irregularities such as loose teeth can be corrected. There are a number of options to consider when it comes to replacing natural fallen teeth with artificial ones. The procedures are different in terms of detail, cost, and dependability. However, dental implants are by far the most trusted method recording the highest number of success stories.

Can implants and extraction be done on the same day?

This is a conclusion that only the doctor can make after assessing your gum and tooth condition. There are patients who have loose teeth, moderately damaged gums, and a jawbone that is still intact. If after extraction, the tooth does not leave a hole that is too big, then the implant procedure can take place. Otherwise, the patient has to come back.

How Long Should I Wait Before Coming Back For An Implant?

This is a case-by-case example because reasons for tooth extraction tend to vary. For example, when a patient’s gum is damaged, it means that they have more of the inner tooth exposed and tooth decay might have interfered with the jawbone. Without a stable jawbone to potentially hold the implant, the patient might have to go back and wait for the bone to heal and stabilize enough to allow for the implant procedures. This could take anywhere between one to three months. Once healed, the patient is then ready for the implants and a hole is made where the tooth was extracted and the titanium post inserted.

These are delicate procedures that should be performed by keen doctors. Cooperating as a patient means that you refrain from trying to hurry a process that your doctor advises against. Visit us today at our clinic and learn more about the options you have regarding extraction and immediate implant placement.

What To Consider While Choosing The Right Toothpaste

When it comes to cleaning your teeth, some kinds of toothpaste are better than others. The specific ingredients in toothpaste enhance enamel strengthening, stain removal, and alleviation of dental sensitivity.

You’ll want to take your time and explore your options before deciding on your preferred toothpaste. Seeking advice from our dentists on the best toothpaste for your specific dental needs is beneficial.

Avoid toothpaste that has been linked to health issues

Whitening toothpaste contains abrasive ingredients designed to remove stains and polish teeth; thus, those with gums and teeth that are extremely sensitive should steer clear of using them. Some people may experience irritation or an increase in their level of dental sensitivity when using these kinds of toothpaste, but overall, it’s safe to use and is effective. If you are self-conscious about the shade of your smile yet have particularly sensitive teeth, you should discuss in-office whitening alternatives with our dentists.

Approval by the ADA

Dental products must bear the seal of approval of the American Dental Association before they are purchased. The ADA Council on Scientific Affairs will have found sufficient evidence to support the product’s safety and efficacy before its approval. If the toothpaste fails to bear the ADA stamp of approval, it lacks sufficient tests to verify its quality.

A decent toothpaste is an important element of your regular oral care practice and flossing. Use a toothbrush paste, gel, or powder to make brushing more effective. The fluoride in the toothpaste will help remove the plaque that builds on your teeth and gums when you eat.

Visit our dental center, and have yourself the best dental care services. Our dedicated team will ultimately recommend the best toothpaste for your prevailing dental condition. Please book an appointment with us now, even via phone. What are you waiting for? We got you covered!

Canker Sores

Canker sores are small lesions that develop inside the mouth and can cause discomfort and pain. They are not contagious and can appear as one or multiple sores.

The exact cause of canker sores is not fully understood, but some experts believe that it could be linked to problems with the immune system, bacteria, viruses, or trauma to the mouth’s soft tissues. These sores are usually white or gray with a red border and can be painful.


Although canker sores often heal on their own within one to two weeks, various treatments are available to relieve the pain. Over-the-counter topical anesthetics and antimicrobial mouthwashes can offer temporary relief, and avoiding hot, spicy, or acidic foods can help prevent further irritation. Occasionally, antibiotics from a dentist and oral bandages can help reduce the risk of secondary infection.

Difference Between Canker and Cold Sore

It is important to note that canker sores are not the same as cold sores, which are contagious and develop on the outside of the mouth. The herpes simplex virus is responsible for causing cold sores, which are often accompanied by blisters.

While canker sores are not contagious, they can be painful, and some people may experience frequent outbreaks. In most cases, canker sores do not require medical treatment, but if they persist or become infected, a dentist or doctor can provide further advice and treatment.

If a person experiences frequent or severe outbreaks of canker sores, they should speak to their doctor to determine the underlying cause and seek appropriate treatment. Always maintain good oral hygiene and avoid hot, spicy, or acidic foods to prevent further irritation.

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The Top 5 Benefits of Having Whiter Teeth

You may feel unsatisfied with your appearance if you have stained or discolored teeth. Smoking, aging, beverages, and infections are some of the causes of discoloration. Teeth whitening is a viable way of brightening up the teeth. It has become a necessary part of the oral hygiene and grooming process. For an amazing and attractive look, professional teeth whitening is recommended over the do-it-yourself whitening kits.

Everyone wants to have brighter and whiter teeth. Here are a few things that may help you consider brightening your teeth.

Enhanced Self Esteem

Discolored teeth may embarrass you in a public place. Bright-looking teeth will make it easier for you to smile, making professional teeth whitening a booster of self-confidence and morale.

Improve Oral Hygiene

Proper oral hygiene is essential for healthy teeth and gums. It involves daily brushing and flossing. Keeping your mouth clean and disease-free gives you the best chance for a beautiful smile and long-lasting oral health.

Enhanced Appearance

When your teeth become more yellowish, your smile becomes less attractive. Whiter teeth can make you look younger. As teeth discolor with age, having bright white teeth will give you a more youthful appearance

Improve Mental Health

Smiling frequently reduces the possibility that an individual will develop stress. Low esteem and embarrassment associated with yellowing teeth can cause mental problems. With your teeth white and your confidence restored, you can expect stress to go away.

Whitening is Affordable

Teeth whitening is affordable. It is also minimally invasive and results are noticed after the treatment. You get into a dental office with yellow teeth and come out with brighter and whiter teeth.

For professional teeth whitening and more of its benefits, visit our dental experts. We can offer you chairside whitening which works instantly or give you whitening trays that you can use at home. However, the trays take a little more time to give results.

What Does Dental Bonding Help Treat?

Dental bonding is when a tooth-colored resin is applied to one or more of your teeth to help repair damage or other issues. It can also be used to change the shape of a tooth or close the gaps between teeth. Dental bonding is one of the most common dental procedures performed in our office today and for good reason, but what exactly can dental bonding help treat?

Chips and Cracks

Tooth bonding is commonly used to fix chips and cracks in teeth. As long as the chip or crack is minor and does not extend into the root of your tooth, it can be easily fixed with a tooth bonding procedure. We will first mix a composite resin to match the color of your teeth, and apply the resin to your chip or crack. Next, we will harden the resin with a special light to ensure that it bonds to your tooth and can stand up to chewing and biting.

Gaps and Irregular Surfaces

Tooth bonding procedures can also be used to fix gaps and irregular surfaces, and can even be used to lengthen one or more of your teeth to make your bite look and function better. Just as with chips or cracks, we will match a composite resin to the color of your teeth, apply the resin where needed, and then harden it with a special light. The procedure is usually not lengthy and can help your smile in many ways.

If you are thinking of having a tooth bonding procedure to fix an issue with your smile, it is important to be happy with the current color of your teeth. Some people may prefer to whiten their teeth before having a tooth bonding procedure. Please call our professional team today and let us help you get your beautiful, winning smile back to tip-top shape.

The Connection Between Oral Health and Mental Health

The health of your body and your mind are closely related to one another. Even though one’s oral health and mental health might seem like two completely different things, they do share a relationship, even if it’s not direct. Those who suffer from mental problems or illnesses also tend to experience poor dental health.

Some of the most common mental health problems that can have a potentially negative effect on an individual’s oral health include depression, anxiety, panic attacks, eating disorders, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

So how exactly do mental health issues impact your oral health?

Here are some oral health issues that those battling with mental health problems experience.


Those suffering from mental health problems or illnesses such as depression or anxiety tend to avoid dental care so much that their oral hygiene is highly neglected. This often results in serious dental problems such as tooth decay and gum disease.


Most people who suffer from anxiety, especially social anxiety, tend to suffer from some form of dental phobia, which leads people to stop visiting their dentist regularly. This can cause many dental problems as infrequent dental visits can have a huge impact on one’s oral health.

Eating Disorders

People who suffer from conditions such as bulimia tend to experience dental erosion due to the acidity in vomit. Moreover, such people also tend to have low levels of calcium which impacts the health of their teeth.


Certain medications such as pills for depression or anxiety can have some side effects that can affect your oral health. For instance, they can cause dry mouth due to reduced saliva flow.

It is imperative for everyone to realize and acknowledge the connection between mental and oral health. As a carer of someone suffering from any mental health concern, you should motivate them to maintain good dental habits.

If you searching for a dental clinic that understands your concerns and tries to satisfy all your queries, call us at (503)855-0465 or visit us at ComfortCare Dental. Our highly experienced doctors, Kenneth L. Chung, DDS, MPH, Fred A. Bremner, DMD, Periodontics, and Dr. Bermen Wong, DDS can help solve all your dental concerns!

Conditions A Mouthguard Could Help With

If you are in a contact sport or experience teeth grinding (bruxism), you could benefit from a mouthguard. Most sports stores have a one size fits all mouthguards for sale. While these are generally inexpensive, they can be highly uncomfortable and irritate your gums. If you are looking for a mouthguard to wear consistently throughout the sports season, consider coming to our office for a custom fit mouthguard for sports and sleeping.