When is Dental Implants not Possible?

Dental implants are prevalent options for people who have lost their teeth due to trauma, periodontal disease, or tooth extraction. Although they are the most preferred because they are long-lasting and appear similar to your natural teeth, there are some scenarios when these options might not offer the best results. Some of the factors that can influence the feasibility of implants include:

Insufficient Bone Volume and Density

A dental implant requires enough healthy bone to offer support and stability. If you don't have enough bone in your jaw to accommodate the implant, your dentist will recommend bone grafting to stimulate bone regeneration.

Some Medical Conditions

Some medical conditions, such as bleeding disorders or uncontrolled diabetes, can affect the healing process after implant placement. These conditions can also increase the risk of common complications when the implants are installed and during the healing process. A dentist must first evaluate all existing medical conditions and manage them before the installation of the implants.

Smoking and Tobacco Use

Smoking and tobacco use can also interfere with the healing process and minimize the success rate of the implants. If you are a chronic smoker, it is recommended that you quit smoking a few months before the implant surgery.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene is another major factor that can make you not a good candidate for implant surgery. Lack of proper oral habits makes you susceptible to oral conditions such as gum diseases. There is a high risk of implant failure if you have such existing conditions.

Young Age

Implants are ideal for individuals whose jawbones have adequately grown in volume and mass. If implants are surgically placed in young individuals whose jawbones are still developing, it can lead to issues such as alignment as the jaw is still growing.

Dental implants are the most preferred solution as they offer incredible results in the long run. However, some conditions can make it unfit for this dental treatment method.